Examination ScholarshipProgrammes

M. Phill.

M. Phill.

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)

Eligibility for Admission:

A candidate for admission to the course leading to the Degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) must have passed the Post-graduate Examination of this University or any other University/Institute recognised as equivalent by this University securing a minimum of 50% marks in the subject in which he/she intends to pursue the course. Under special circumstances a candidate may be allowed by the Research Council on recommendation of the Departmental Research Committee to pursue the course in a subject other than one in which he/she obtained Masters’ Degree, provided that the Research Council is satisfied that the branches are interrelated and the candidate is competent to undertake the Course in the particular subject.

Admission Requirements:

All applicants seeking admission to the M.Phil. programme of the University [except foreign students applying for admission as provided for under clause 8] must have cleared the NET/SLET/ICAR/ICSSR/GATE tests or equivalents thereof as recognised by the University at the time of application. All other applicants must have cleared the MSSV Research Admission Test (MSSVRAT).

Admission Procedure:

(i) The eligible candidates shall have to apply for admission to the Chairperson, Departmental Research Committee at the Department in which he/she desires to pursue research. The University shall advertise for admission through newspaper/ MSSV website www.mssv.co.in at least twenty (20) days ahead from the date of admission.

(ii) The application for admission must be made in the prescribed form obtainable from the Office of the Registrar on payment of the prescribed fees.

(iii) The Chairperson, DRC shall place the applications in the meeting of the Departmental Research Committee. The Departmental Research Committee shall conduct an interview of the applicants and finalize the list of eligible applicants for admission in the department/centre.

(iv) The Departmental Research Committee concerned shall allocate supervisors to each scholar at the time of admission.

The Course of study:

(i) The M.Phil. students shall be required to:

(a) Undergo course work comprising lectures, tutorials, seminars, etc. on advanced topics and research methodology.

(b) Submit a dissertation or undertake project work as part of M.Phil. course.

(ii) The syllabus for the M.Phil. course shall be recommended by the respective Board of Studies and duly approved by the Academic Council.

(iii) Irrespective of differences in Syllabi, etc. between different subjects the M.Phil. course shall conform to the general pattern as stated in these Regulation.


(a) The duration of the course shall be of one (1) Year.

(b) In the first semester all the prescribed theory courses are to be completed.

(c) A candidate shall have to submit the dissertation within six months of appearing in the Final (End-Term) examination. Provided that if a candidate fails to submit his/her dissertation within the prescribed period he/she shall have to submit the same in the next academic session failing which his/her admission to the course shall be treated as cancelled.



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Ph.D. Orientation Programme, Dhubri Unit


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